“Uniting the fight against tuberculosis and diabetes, we can unlock a brighter future for those affected. Integrating diabetes prevention and management in TB care is the key to improving outcomes and transforming lives.”


Work packages

Opt-TBD Care Package

Feasibility Study to refine implementation strategies

Implementation and evaluation of the Opt-TBD Care Pathway

Capacity strengthening


Pakistan faces a substantial disease burden, notably with Tuberculosis (TB) as a leading cause of mortality, particularly in poor communities. Factors such as poverty, malnutrition, overcrowding, and HIV/AIDS compound health risks associated with TB. Diabetes has emerged as a distinct risk factor, complicating the health landscape. Current care for TB patients with comorbid diabetes is fragmented and lacks evidence-based plans.
The ‘POTENTIAL’ project addresses this gap by designing a culturally sensitive collaborative optimized tuberculosis and diabetes (Opt-TBD) care package for TB and diabetes. Through an initial feasibility study and full trial study, the project seeks to establish a comprehensive and integrated healthcare approach, preventing the progression from prediabetes to diabetes and timely management of diabetes for improved health outcomes in the region.

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POTENTIAL study has been funded by Higher Education Commission Pakistan through Grand Challenge Fund Award 2021
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